Five Types of Physical Therapy
A physical therapist is a health care professional who helps treat patients with varying degrees of physical or medical conditions. They diagnose patients and offer treatment and exercise therapy, managing their patients’ recovery plans with time and careful monitoring. There are five major specializations of physical therapists (PTs), which are outlined below. Orthopedic Physical Therapy […]
3 Signs You May be Experiencing Burnout and How to Solve It
The Mayo Clinic defines job burnout as “a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.” In recent years, more and more people are recognizing burnout as a serious issue that affects a person’s life both in […]
How to Prepare for Your Interview
You only have one chance to make a FIRST impression in an interview. Make sure… You have thoroughly researched the company, the people you’ll be meeting, and the role for which you are interviewing. Preparation is key here. Know what you want and who you’ll be talking with. The internet is your friend. You are […]
How to Avoid the Flu This Season
Influenza—more commonly known as the flu—is an infectious disease that causes headaches, fevers, persistent coughing, and/or a sore throat. In some serious cases, influenza can even lead to death. The peak flu season is from fall to late spring, so it’s important to take steps to prevent getting sick. How does one get the flu? […]